Orchids of South~West Australia – Fourth Edition
Our orchids have a unique beauty and possess a powerful appeal which draws all people from amateurs to botanists to seek out, admire, study and photograph.
The 2019 Fourth Edition of Orchids of South~West Australia is a major revision of this States 438 species, of which 70 have been officially named since the Third Edition. Also included in this edition are most hybrids.
The information contains up to date descriptions and many new photos. Measurements, flowering periods and distribution maps by courtesy of the Western Australian Herbarium are provided.
The book includes a glossary, bibliography and indexes to the scientific and common names.
Previous editions of Orchids of South-West Australia have become very valuable and highly sort after by serious book collectors. This is a must-have book for anyone who is interested in wildflowers in general and orchids in particular.
With over 700 genera and some 25,000 species orchids comprise one of the three largest groups of flowering plants in the world. Many are extremely beautiful and their appeal is universal.
The people of Western Australia and tourists to the State will be fascinated by Orchids of South-West Australia by Noel Hoffman, Andrew Brown and Justin Brown.
The principle purpose of this book is to provide an accurate and easy means of identifying the native orchids of this region.
There is an excellent description of each orchid in which the distinctive features of each species and information on distribution, habitat, flowering period and the common name is provided.
For every orchid there is also a colour photograph and map of its distribution. Orchids of South-West Australia is a must for all professional and amateur orchidologists.
Noel Hoffman
NOEL HOFFMAN is a retired School Principal who has had a lifelong passion for native orchids. In his early years little information was available to assist in identification of these plants. A good deal of frustration was experienced and this led to the publication of the first edition of Orchids of South-West Australia in 1974.
He has been awarded life membership of the Western Australian Native Orchid Study and Conservation Group in recognition for his life long contribution to the study and understanding of Western Australian native orchids. He is a keen orchid photographer, enjoys all forms of sport and loves fishing.
Andrew Brown
ANDREW BROWN is a Research Associate at the Western Australian Herbarium specialising in the Colchicaceae, Orchidaceae and Scrophulariaceae. Andrew is a foundation member of the Australian Orchid Foundation and the Western Australian Native Orchid Study and Conservation Group, and has conducted over 40 years research into the Western Australian Orchidaceae. Andrew is author/coauthor of more than 140 journal publications and eight books on the Western Australian flora.
He has also collaborated in the formal descriptions of 140 new Western Australian orchid species and subspecies. Current interests include ongoing taxonomic research and the preparation of updated field guides to the Western Australian orchids and Eremophila.
Justin Brown
JUSTIN BROWN has a degree in environmental biology. He is a keen orchid enthusiast with an extensive knowledge of the distribution and growth requirements of native orchids throughout the south west of Western Australia. He is an excellent photographer and has built up a superb website of orchids he has recorded during his many field trips in this state. Besides orchids, other interests include music, singing and photography of trains and aircraft. Justin is a devout Christian and to his credit, lives his life accordingly.
Past Publications
Orchids of South-West Australia
First Edition – University of Western Australia Press – 1984
Second Edition – University of Western Australia Press – 1992
Second Edition with Supplement – University of Western Australia Press – 1998
Third Edition – 2011
Second Edition – Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards 1993 – Special Award
Second Edition – Commended in three categories at the Australian Book Publishers Association annual Book Design Awards.