The name Diuris, meaning double-tail, refers to the hanging lateral sepals, however, the orchids are more readily recognised by their ear-like petals which lead to the common name of Donkey Orchid. All species have grass-like leaves and most have predominantly yellow flowers with red, brown or purple markings.
Diuris corymbosa – Common Donkey Orchid
Has been known as Wallflower Orchid

Diuris recurva – Mini Donkey Orchid

Diuris hazeliae – Yellow Granite Donkey Orchid

Diuris littoralis – Green Range Donkey Orchid

Diuris ostrina – Darling Scarp Donkey Orchid

Diuris porrifolia – Small-flowered Donkey Orchid

Diuris conspicillata – Spectacled Donkey Orchid

Diuris tinkeri – Arrowsmith Pansy Orchid

Diuris amplissima – Giant Donkey Orchid

Diuris longifolia – Purple Pansy Orchid

Diuris brockmanii – South Coast Donkey Orchid

Diuris brachyscapa – Western Wheatbelt Donkey Orchid

Diuris refracta – Dainty Donkey Orchid

Bee Orchids
Diuris decrementa – Common Bee Orchid

Diuris laxiflora – Bee Orchid

Diuris picta – Granite Bee Orchid

Diuris micrantha – Dwarf Bee Orchid

Diuris carinata – Tall Bee Orchid

Diuris drummondii – Tall Donkey Orchid

Diuris pauciflora – Swamp Bee Orchid

Nanny Goat Orchids
Diuris laevis – Nanny Goat Orchid

Go to the Unnamed Diuris species page.
Hi, a quick question. Is it possible to get a blue Donkey orchid?
There are no blue Donkey Orchids in Western Australia.
What is meant above by the nomenclature “Diuris sp. woody” ?
The abbreviation sp. is short for species. In this case it is for a yet to be named species from near Woodanilling.
Are you able to buy donkey orchids for your own garden? I come from Brookton and they are all over Boyagin Rock grounds. I would love to have some here in Gosnells.
Is there anywhere to purchase a donkey orchid in the US? Thank you.