While Caladenia filamentosa is an eastern Australian species many closely allied forms which exist in Western Australia are placed within that complex. Some species such as C. chapmanii, C. footeana and C bicalliata are easy to identify however others are so closely related that their classification is very difficult to determine. Many “different” populations of unnamed forms occur throughout the whole South-West and attempts have been made to name some of these.
For example, C dundasiae was separated from C filifera because of its more stiffly held segments, and the fact that the calli extend further down the labellum. These features are however quite variable and so both orchids should be placed under C filifera which was the first named.
A good deal of confusion exists.
Caladenia dundasiae – Patricia’s Spider Orchid
This orchid was photographed at the type location for this species hence the identification but closer examination reveals that it is C filifera.
Go to the Unnamed Wispy Spider Orchids page.
This is so helpful I can see the difference in the orchids here.