Pterostylis macrocalymma – Large-hooded Rufous Greenhood

Pterostylis spathulata – Spoon-lipped Rufous Greenhood

Pterostylis roensis – Rufous Greenhood

Pterostylis leptochila – Ravensthorpe Rufous Greenhood

Pterostylis insectifera – Insect-lipped Rufous Greenhood

Pterostylis exserta – Exserted Rufous Greenhood
It is most distinctive in the manner in which the labellum stands out from the flattened lateral sepals. The semi-translucent flowers are prominently striped pale fawn and green and the labellum has a number of long marginal and basal hairs.

Pterostylis zebrina – Striped Rufous Greenhood

Pterostylis perculta – Ruddy Hood